My biggest pain is that once I finish a tattoo, very few people get to enjoy it.

The beauty of tattoos is that you get to keep your piece of artwork with you forever, but you never truly get to display it. And so The Legacy Project is born


The Legacy Project is a series of Samma Charles pieces, treated with the same respect as other art forms. You will wear an original piece of art that will be shared and enjoyed like a painting or photograph


Prints of the Legacy Project will be available soon.
The store is currently under construction.


What is the Legacy Project?

The Legacy Project is just a pretentious name Samma’s giving the next phase of his career. The goal is to create a vast body of work that he can proudly share with a larger audience.

Art should be seen and enjoyed. Discussed and debated. And not just viewed through a phone screen for a fleeting moment, only to disappear in the relentless flow of the algorithm

With each original piece, prints and video will be created so that the artwork can be shared with more people, capturing a real moment in time at a scale that the work deserves, bringing your tattoo closer to an painter’s original and more distributed prints set-up

As an artist first and a tattooist second, Samma designed this project to bring these artworks to more traditional mediums, so that this extensive portfolio can serve the collectors wearing them, and the artist behind them properly.

And if you don’t want to share your piece with the masses, that’s ok too! Simply commission a piece and keep it for your private collection. Some artwork is meant to be private.

How do I get one of the tattoos?

Periodically, Samma will announce the next bout of themes and concepts. Usually seasonal and relating some event or marker coming up. Often relating to Samma’s Arabian or Anglo Saxon roots, love of videogames, monsters and/or boobs.

Members of the Patreon get notified first on all projects, then it goes to the mailing list, and finally announcements on social media.

Why would I want a print?

They’re cool as fuck.

Also, some people live too far away to get tattooed. Some people can’t afford Samma’s tattoos, but still think the artwork is cool. Some people can’t wear the nudity out and about on their bodies. And everyone needs to decorate their homes.

This makes Samma’s artwork more accessible to more people.

AND helps support an artist and allows the continued creation of artwork for more people to enjoy


Here’s the list of current open Legacy Project designs. If one catches your eye, just fill out the form below, and we’ll get you a date

Star Wars:
May the 4th, and the 5th are for Star Wars, so:

Sexy Twi'lek:
1-3 sessions- Forearm/Calf or full outer arm/outer leg

I drew up a Twi'lek during lockdown because I had no Star Wars tattoo to do. And I'd love to revisit that idea now, some 4 years later. Especially if you can get in on May the 4th.

Sexy Zabrak:
1-3 sessions- Forearm/Calf or full outer arm/outer leg
Loads of you think that Darth Maul is sexy. So let's do a sexy Zabrak. Male or Female. Just stripy, angry and sexy. Loads of deep reds

Regular evil Zabrak
1-3 sessions- Forearm/Calf or full outer arm/outer leg
No Nudity
And for those of you that don't want to have sex with Maul but still think he's fucking cool. I want to get you in for a Zabrak, or even Maul himself. I've done so many Maul portraits, so I think it'd be exciting to do my own Zabrak for once. Maybe even a Jedi Zabrak because the contrast in lighting would be cool!


The Zodiac:
I've planned on doing designs for this forever and I think it's time to include it in my cycle. I think it'll be really cool to build up a library of variations each year and see the changes

1-3 sessions- Forearm/Calf or full outer arm/outer leg
Tasteful Nudity
Creating something in the vein of the the erotic nightmares. I'm not fussed about gender. But that does effect the kind of Nudity. Obviously. I'd like this before the zodiac changes to...

1-3 sessions- Forearm/Calf or full outer arm/outer leg
Tasteful Nudity
It would be really fun to do this wrapping round a forearm or lower leg. Baroque levels of nudity, to get the celestial magical feel actoss


2-3 Sessions - Upper arm/thigh, or full outer arm/outer leg
Tasteful Nudity - Breasts exposed.
This is exactly the same as last time.

Ostara is easter before the Romans got at it, and made it about Jesus. Rebirth, renewal. Same thing, just different fonts. Did you ever wonder why the Rabbits were such a thing around easter? It’s some left over pagan shit! The idea is to have Ostara, a springtime deity, light and airy, with a stark contrast to the background, so we have this life/death, light/dark motif. I want to include a rabbit or two. perhaps some other springtime creatures. Depends on the space we have
I’d love to have this finished for the equinox, which would be the 18 of March

Ostara Pegging A Rabbit Demon:
2+ sessions - Upper Arm/thigh
Nudity - Graphic
Now, if you've seen Stuffy Bunny you're a pervert. But that's where the idea has come from. If we miss Easter, we miss Easter, and I'll hold the content off for next year. But I think this would be something noteworthy! I've had a few comments from you lot about not being as... Extreme as you'd expected. Let's do something about that.


These projects are perpetually open for new pieces

Erotic Nightmares:
1-3 sessions - Forearm/lower leg - or - upper arm/thigh - or - Full outer arm/leg
Nudity - and it’s the bad kind
You’ve all seen the raccoon with tits, the nude Baphomet, the six breasted catgirl, and the sexy Magikarp, and all the others. Well, I want to make more. They’re horrible and I love them. I’m not fussed about size or location really. Just tell me what animal you want to base it on and let’s go! I’m here for full backs and torsos too!
ASAP, and as often as you can!

1-5 sessions - All placements
Nudity - and graphic

This is something that I was heading toward before I left the UK and so I didn’t get to build out my portfolio so much. I started doing these pieces mainly for women, who were kind of reclaiming themselves? I’m a straight dude, so it’s easy for me to be open about this sort of thing, and it was a really interesting to help people take that for themselves.
The more graphic the better. I think it’d be really cool to be able to get people in for some LGBTQ variants too, as much as I love women, I think it’d be interesting to do something that’s pushing my comfort as well. Or rather to see if I even have a comfort zone with that sort of thing.
No time frame

Remember all these images will be sold as prints through the website. I do have a sense of urgency, because without them I have nothing to sell.

These will be heavily discounted. The bigger projects I’d be pushing for multiple sessions in a row, so we can complete them, and make dramatic content around them.

AfterPay will be available for all of these, but that does effect when payment is due. I’m happy to answer any questions you might have about that.

Please please help me get these ideas in front of the right people too. The more I can make off prints/Patreon/YouTube, the less I have to charge for the pieces upfront.

I’m also happy to do several tattoos around the same concepts, and there’s loads of flexibility around placement